THE CELTIC WAY WALK: - The long-distance route from Pembrokeshire to Stonehenge
'Celtic' as a name is shorthand dropped lightly into history used by many enthusiasts to denote the great Pan- Global Trading Culture.
PAN GLOBAL  because the names of celtic tribes, lands, language, and routes. It extends from near west to far east of the known world in the time between the neolithic and the Romans. As far as we know, it was a culture that use language, practices and ritual to denote identity, not writing. Its history and learning were oral, taught in their colleges from Eire to Georgia, from Alba to Portugal.

 This is the website for the Celtic Way Walk from Pembrokeshire to Stonehenge, It is a vision and an attempt at linking old routes and sacred sites between places where of signioficant Celtic activity and meaning,
The written route is produced to showcase the many ancient sites and tracks along the route.
Walking any of the routes  is for any period is to make connection with places, self, others, and prehistory. That, like the Celtic teachings, is not something to be written, but something to be felt, experienced, and earned. The orina; route, put together by 22 volunterrs, is being revised as a potential Worls Heritage Route with projects on the walking in Neolithic Pembrokeshire, Merlin Country (Carmartheshire), the Land of Saints ( the Vale of Glamorgan), and the Neolithic Triangle of Avebury, Stonehenge, and Glastonbury.

This site has four  parts, watch for updates:
 1. The archive for the original 1997 route, with focus in the route through Wales to Stonehenge. The sections are here.
2. An updating of the route where either paths changes or extra knowledge suggests it. 
3. A preview of the Bluestones route, a work in progress, contentious, and evolving.. 
4. A resource base of sites between Pembrokeshire and Stonehenge. Information is free to use, but please attribute any material.
5. Blog of work onging
6. Media, videos and features relevant to the walk

Creative Commons LicenseThe Celtic Way Walk website licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at